Saturday, December 31, 2011

Well it has gotten quite warm today. Deb and I've tested both AC units but haven't really had to use them. As with most older Class A's you can use one at a time. I turned the front one on about an hour ago. It runs great. Loud as most older units this size are but it blows cold. I'll let it run for another hour or so. No freezing of lines etc etc. I've already blown out all the cobwebs. dust etc.. Clean filters are in it and I'm pretty amazed since its vintage 1979 or so! I've tested the back unit when I fired up the 6.5 KW Onan. It blew cold air too! Sometimes you get lucky! Sometimes not. Well here is to a happy New Year once again!
Well its New Years Eve, Sheeze time flys by when you start getting older. Deb's on one of her rants. I suppose I need to rub her back or something to calm her down. No reasoning with her this time of year. Oh well I'm looking forward to tomorrow and on etc. Start a new construction job on Monday. More money which will help get this ole Pace Arrow in better shape. First gotta get my wife some new jeans, shirts etc. She always make sure I've got good clothes but trying to make her get some for herself is damned difficult to say the least. I might need to bring along help for that trip. Its warming up nicely right now. Pretty windy outside but there are still things I can do. I need to make a shelve and a couple other things. If I can pry myself from the computer long enough it might get done!
I woke up and my clock said 3:13. I have one of those feelings it will be a very very long day.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Update. DW reminded me we are coming up on a new year. Do'h Well I'll just do what needs to be done. Hopefully tomorrow night it will be a poker night with family and we'll bring in the new year all together! We will all say things to make others support us as far as new year resolutions. But how many will back them up? I will. Time is short and so is life. I want to see those I love prosper. If just one does it then I'll be happy.
I received a overdue paycheck today. I work for friends who are much more like true family and we all waited with baited breath for this check to arrive. It hurt our Christmas celebrations and almost ruined our New Years. Thats ok now. DW and I went grocery shopping. Sam would be proud because we spent all of the check except for 30 bucks there. Well we certainly won't go hungry this week or next. Early next week should provide a even larger check which part will pay groceries, part for motor home stuff and lights, water etc. We've been fortunate that we have nearly free hookups. Long story but private. DW is asleep early again tonight. Second time this week so I get to watch movies that she does't like LOL. "Hunt for Red October" tonight for me. I love those sort of movies. I'm working tomorrow and didn't have time today to take photos but they are coming I promise. Well thats all for now. 
Well almost, I did dust off my book last night. I wrote two more chapters. I gotta get with my sis who I've selected to represent me. She doesn't put up with crap from anyone. Even me if you can believe that!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Beautiful day. Got quite a bit done in a short amount of time.Considering the limitations imposed that I had no control over. Other then that I'm happy. Deb cooked a wonderful meal as usual. She's a bit under the weather so she went to bed early tonight. I'm contemplating getting back to the book I've been writing on and off for a few years.Tomorrow when I get the paycheck after groceries are bought and DW is happy I'll see whats left over and spend a few dollars on the Pace Arrow. Bottom of my feet are starting to itch and I think I got this from my father.He just couldn't seem to stay put in one place. DW doesn't care as long as we're together and fed. For those who don't know us my wife (DW) otherwise known as Deb and I have a cat. Or maybe he has us, We haven't yet figured it out. He is a half North American Bobtail. He's huge and on a diet right now. We estimate his weight at about 24-25 lbs. He sleeps with Deb most of the time at night but likes to climb in my lap when I'm home. Right now he's up on the dash of the motor home and looking out at the stars. I think he's ready for a trip too. If possible I'll post a photo of him tomorrow. We'll thats about it tonight. Goodnight from West Texas!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dec 28th,

Today it turned out beautiful outside. Didn't get many hours in at work however. Tomorrow should be a very full day. Deb is cooking homemade chicken noodle soup. It will as usual be excellent. The motorhome always smells good inside when she cooks. I'm spending time between reading posts of other Rv bloggers, and watching movies. The next big job that comes up I'll make certain I can put in as many hours as possible and maybe be able to upgrade the motor home to satellite tv. Now that would be excellent. There are some great deals out there and I can get into one for free installation and hookup but I'll need to make certain I can cover the first couple months bills ahead of time to feel really good about it. Hopefully tomorrow I can update with photos as well.

Monday, December 26, 2011

First Christmas in our Pace Arrow.

We survived. It was cold and damp but we enjoyed a nice Christmas dinner and just relaxed. No work today due to the holidays and its still plenty cold outside. So today wife and I will sit back and watch some movies. Hopefully the weatherman is right and this week will bring warmer weather and sunshine!